Wednesday, January 17, 2007


In case you haven't heard (you know, hiding under a rock, etc.) there is scheduled to be a massive protest beginning in the Square at Noon on Friday. There are a few things to stress though before we get too ahead of ourselves.

  1. If we protest like idiots, nothing will happen. We have to keep this as civil and decent as we can, because the more credible we appear to be, the more airtime we get on CBC, the more coverage we get on the newspapers because they realize we mean business. So, coming to the protest and bringing a picket sign that mixes various expletives mixed with "MUN" or "Dr. Meisen" is just not acceptable.
  2. On the other hand, be loud, get riled up, and show everyone how passionate you are about not destroying residence. We have an enormous capacity for change, and if we harness this passion and drive, we can succeed. MUN has a long, proud history of protest, and we cannot let this campaign end up any different.
  3. House rivalries have to disappear, folks. I know that's another integral part of the res system, but we can return to that rivalry afterwards. Right now, we have to band together, not as residents of Blackall or Curtis or Burke, but as residents of Burton's Pond and Paton College.
Get ready for the end of the week. It's going to be a wild one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fellow Residents!

I would just like to say that we are the only generation of residents that can protest this. I don't think some people are realizing that. Get up off your butt and show up on friday! Even if you hate residence, you should have enough house spirit to show up on friday for the sake of the houses, and for the history of the houses. Keep Residence Life the way it is! Who likes living in res? Who likes they're houses specific "day"? Who enjoys all the activities that residence has to offer? If you enjoy any of this please come out, because without you its all going to change!

Students shouldn't be afraid of of Axel Meisen, Axel Meisen should be afraid of his students!